Our Programs

Critical Incident Response

Most organisations may experience accidents in the workplace from time to time, and Critical Incidents can happen at any time and anywhere. We understand how stressful and overwhelming it can be when a Critical Incident occurs, and the impact if you are unprepared can be dire.

Our Critical Incident Response is customised depending on the trauma affecting your organisation and the potential risk for psychological harm.

What is a Critical Incident Response?

A Critical Incident Response is aimed to reduce or mitigate negative consequences or fallouts due to an employee’s exposure to a traumatic and critical incident. A tailored and effective response can support an employee’s recovery and help build resiliency moving forward.

When is a Critical Incident Response required?

A Critical Incident Response may be required in the event of workplace accidents, situations involving death, injury or violence, and distressing events including redundancies, change management, organisational or team conflict.

How Critical Incident Response programs are conducted by Workplace Wellness?

We are experienced in critical incident consultancy and we can provide support to assist your organisation to respond and recover effectively. Our national footprint allows for onsite support, in addition to telephone or Skype sessions, or assisting management to develop a strategy without specific onsite support.

The service includes:

  • Priority access to our Critical Incident Support services is available once your organisation has registered with us.
  • Immediate response to support managers within 24 hours of a Critical Incident occurring.
  • Trained counsellors at your location within 48 hours of notifying us of a Critical Incident.
  • Advice and materials for managers to distribute to support employees immediately following a Critical Incident.

It is important for management to have professional psychological support and a strategy in place to support employees in the case of trauma or Critical Incidents. If your organisation does not have a program in place, reach out to us today to learn how we can help.